Originally Posted by hammondc
I could probably change up a class to make it work. I am usually a runner with a lightweight class set up. Another group I team up with does a lot of CTF. 2 of us will rush one side to grab the flag and then leave a trail of shocks charges, claymores and bettys on the way back.
I have just never been really good at Core TDM and usually end up in the bottom half of the score board. Hell, I think some of the folks I play with actually use me as chum....lol. I suppose my reactions are just not quick enough.
We can see where we might be able to work you in as a runner sometimes. I can't upset the applecart to much though since we already have a team in place, everybody wants to run and you can't make everybody happy. Abs1212 is one of the best runners I have played with. If you can work well with him we might be able to snub somebody else onto deep D. I plan on running a lot tonight, hoepfully we can hook up again.