So, I've been studying this forum for some time, and finally got started on the amateur path. I have my MM Corncob, and have ran through almost 2 packs of Prince Albert. Got my loading proper, and only 3 matches per bowl.. I feel I want to step up, but I'm not trying to dump $300 on a pipe right now, so I've been looking at pipesandcigars and have been trying to determine what I should pick up.. I was looking at this pipe:
This guy
And then looking at getting some McClellands, like a tin of FrogMorton or the holiday blend...
But I just don't know which route I should go down.. I would like to keep this first purchase under $75.. So feel free to suggest whatever.. Just not a birthyear dunhill (Lol, I was born in 88 anyways, so it wouldn't be tooo bad
