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Old 01-02-2013, 08:12 PM   #3783
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 View Post

It's not banter! It's legit gun discussion. I'll have a picture of my new CCW gun whenever it gets here
My sincerest apologies, But I still think everything is better with a picture
Look forward to seeing your C-Dubs when it gets there...

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 View Post
I took the red dot off my AR and put a 1)Daniel Defense A1.5 Rear right on it and put a 2)magpul ASAP sling plate and 3) MS3 1-2 point sling on it.
I think I can follow this, more or less, 1 is a sight/scope of some badass-proportion, 2) is something to do with the trigger mech? IDK lol, 3) a sling as in a body strap right?

I just buy whatever accessories I can get my hands on that are at a reasonable price, if they work they work, if not then I probably didn't really NEED it to begin with...