Thread: LP - Is it me?
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Old 12-31-2012, 04:29 PM   #25
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Default Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by DaBear View Post
The first run of undercrowns were great, nice oily wrappers, great spice to em with a touch of earthiness. Then the second and subsequent runs came in and they all flat out sucked. The coronas are the only ones to maintain any sort of consistency from batch to batch and are a solid smoke, but I could never smoke another of the other sizes and be perfectly happy.

If you didnt like the 9s then steer clear of the papas fritas, theyre a 9 just not as sweet. It all comes down to the old saying, smoke what you like, like what you smoke. There are a number of talked a bout sticks I love, and for every one of those theres one talked about stick I cant stand
That's exactly what I say below. I started the thread to see if I was the only one out there. And, as much to start a conversation as anything else.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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