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Old 12-28-2012, 02:29 AM   #3657
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by big a View Post
Other than the extra round with the 9, any additional reason you chose this over the 40? I have been half looking for a shield and xds .45 but no one can keep them in. The largest retailer around me says the 9mm shields are all spoken for on the next couple orders at the rate their going. Just wondering what's making the 9 that much more desirable
As others have said, cost of ammo, availability of ammo and primary one for me, recoil. I was not sure how a .40 would be in the thinner M&P.
I had it in my hands and meant to get a .40 that day but was a last second decision to go with the nine at suggestion of my son and salesman.
From all I have spoken to, majority note minimal recoil difference.
Other than ammo, can't go wrong with either.

I recommend you check regularly with Shoot Straight. They are a big S&W dealer and seem to have them more often. That is where I got mine. They are all over Florida. Not sure if in any other states. Also, they sell them at non jacked up prices, at suggested retail of $449.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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