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Old 12-27-2012, 05:15 PM   #463
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Default Re: Third Annual Fantasy Football for Stakes and the Troops

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Cole, I haven't kept a list of the entry sticks and I'm too lazy to go downstairs and check the tub.
Do we have everyone but Matt's sticks now?

Matt, you need to get your entry sticks in the mail. I can't possibly create the 3 prizes for the winners if I don't even have all the entries. If you already put them in the mail, let me know. If you haven't, you might want to so guys don't get pissed when they don't get their prizes.
I'm going to put a bundle for the troops on my bro in the championships. I'll text him to see if he has sent his smokes in yet.
[Help out the troops!
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