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Old 12-26-2012, 06:53 PM   #3
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Default Re: Got my first French Press for Christmas

Originally Posted by never_enough View Post
Anyways, where do I go now?
Congratulations Robert and what a great g/f you have indeed! I assume you were gifted a 4 cup/17oz F/P. If so, place 12oz of boiling water into the glass container, followed by 5 tablespoons of (medium) ground coffee (that is, 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 6oz of water + 1 tablespoon for the glass container).

Since you have a glass container, stir briefly with a wooden spoon and then place the press into the glass container just above the stirred water/coffee grounds. What you want to do at this point is let the coffee grounds and hot water marry together for about 4 minutes.

Then, slowly push the press downwards towards the bottom of the glass container. Coffee will flow through the fine mesh metel filter upwards, while the press pushes the grounds to the bottom. Once you can push no further (and don't try to muscle it) you're finished.

At this point, just pick up your French Press and pour into a cup and enjoy. Besides enjoying my coffee black, I also enjoy it as follows: 2 teaspoons Turbinado sugar in your cup, pour the hot coffee about 50 to 60% full, stir Turbinado sugar until married with coffee, and add half and half until almost to the top and stir. Makes a fine cup

As time goes on, you can adjust the amounts of ground coffee upwards or downwards depending on how strong or light you enjoy coffee. You can also try a medium/fine grind or fine grind too. I have used a fine grind and its just a little tougher to push the press downward (and you really do not want that).

So, there you go, and enjoy your new French Press and the different types of coffee to brew in it...
"Don't worry, God will work out His plan for your life..." Psalm 138 8
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