Re: The Hobbit
Saw it this week with my niece; she wanted the 3D version. I hesitated, after seeing bad tech reviews on some recent 3D films, but we went 3D anyway. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the visual quality; it popped nicely and I can't wait to see Smaug coming out of the screen.
Loved the movie also. I, too, liked them bringing in parts of the Middle Earth story from the LOR appendices. Saruman's attitude in the council was exactly as I'd expected from reading. Also liked seeing Radagast and the Witch King. I, too, think 3 films will be a bit overkill, but these guys need the money, I guess, and they should be able to include everything in the book and related LOR appendices. I know it would have been too long, but I'd have loved to have more of the LOR parts of the books that were left out put into the movie series. Especially more of Rohan's journey to fight for Gondor, all of Aragorn's fights with his ghost army, and I especially would like to have seen how they handled Tom Bombadil! Also should have left the Saruman/Shire ending of book 3 in the movie.