Justin I personally wouldn't touch that Taurus with a 10' pole - to many mim parts. Kind of too different animals a 5" 1911 (well sort of, haha) compared to the xds with a 3.3" barrel. What are you looking for a range .45 or a carry .45?
To answer your question I like it, I shoot a lot in 2011 fired over 10k rounds. i do find the recoil pretty stout. It is almost identical in size to my glock 26 & 27 just thinner in the grip which makes it easier to conceal. Its a nice change I used carry my glock 20, then went to the little ruger LCP now I feel like a man again
Originally Posted by emopunker2004
How do you like it? I'm torn between that and a Taurus PT1911 w/rail
Grabagun has them for less btw. $523 for the black
Good luck. BCGs have been super hard to come by for the past couple months and now it's worse. You may want to go over to AR15.com and look in the equipment exchange for a bcg and barrel. Prepare to be buttraped though. BCGs are going for $300 each