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Old 12-20-2012, 08:54 PM   #3514
big a
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop View Post
Just filled out an application for a handgun permit and I've never owned one.

Trying to decide what to buy...I want something I can conceal and I can get in the $400-500 range and I'm ok with buying used. Not sure what I really care for as far as 9mm, 40/45, etc and thinking a 4" variety.

My brother recommended Springfield XD and Glock...what would you recommend?
I have a ruger Lcp and love it. I have a back pocket holster, just feels like I have two wallets. I have been looking at an lc9, xds, or s&w shield for an inside the waste option. All of these are in your price range or very close if you look around.

I like my glock and cannot go wrong with one. Just all I have seen or tried are not comfortable to carry. But just like cigars, everyone likes different options. Before buying see if any of your local ranges have some that you could rent before spending all the money.
"If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there"
-Mark Twain
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