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Old 12-20-2012, 06:57 AM   #911
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Default Re: What's the last movie you watched II?

Originally Posted by CigarNut View Post
Which version did you see (Director's cut or Original with Harrison Ford narrating?)

If you have not read the books at all or recently the narrated version is easier to follow. P.K. Dick had a great concept in his short story...
Watched the Director's cut. I was with it for the first half....but it never really materialized for me. Off the top of my head, a few things that left it wanting:
-No chemistry between the leads...same problem I had with Maltese Falcon the other night -- the story NEEDS you to buy into the relationship between Ford and Young...I never got there; and maybe partly because of
-Ford played the entire movie as if he was on edge of a coma --probably intentional so that you'd question if he's human; but I just couldn't sympathize with him, or fear for him, or relate at all
-The drawn out fight/flight scenes in last 20-30 min were long, boring, overwrought and totally killed any momentum.
-All the characters that could have brought some entertainment value or interest were given short shrift: Tyrell, the Olmos guy, the designer dude, even Pris ; make Batty either more human or more 'artificial', but straddling both, as was obviously the intent, didn't work for me at all
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