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Old 12-19-2012, 10:35 AM   #1022
Sexy Dave
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Default Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by Mr B View Post
Broke my $20 Bodem Press this morning . Second one in about a year. The glass is so dang thin. It just tipped over (empty) and completely smashed on the counter.
Sooooo, coffee this morning in the ol Dripper. Sumatra Toba Batak Peaberry at FC. Very tasty. Notes of Vanilla and baking spice.
My wife and I enjoy using our Bodem on the weekends (we use our Kuereg during the week). We generally fill a pot with water and heat it on the stove then pour the hot water into the press. What method do you use for heating your water? I'm wondering if there may be a more efficient way of doing it.
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