Thread: The Hobbit
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Old 12-17-2012, 12:24 PM   #22
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Default Re: The Hobbit

I sat smack dab in the middle at the midnight release HFR, 3D.

Loved every minute of it...after the first 10 minutes or so. The HFR takes some getting used to - but by the end I found myself gawking at how amazing everything looked. There was minimal "pop out" stuff in regards to the 3D - it felt to be mostly depth to me.

I'm wanting to go see it again in 24 FPS just to see how it compares.

Alright - technical stuff aside now - the movie itself was very true to the book. Some of the folks at the theater (like myself) enjoyed this quite a bit - knowing what to expect from a Tolkien book told his in fashion. I heard complaints that there "was too much talking" and that it "took too long to start". I guess that it is all a matter of expectation. It is a slower movie than any of the LotR's were. Those movies focused more on the battles because it was 1 movie to cover a 400-500 page book. The Hobbit being split up into 3 pieces (with some added content from The Simirillion and footnotes from Return of the King) - it can be closer to a direct translation of book -> movie.
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