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Old 12-16-2012, 10:44 AM   #5
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: Need advice on Partnering with a Steak House

Originally Posted by hammondc View Post
I like option 1. Once stocked, the sell is done. You guys make a small easy profit. You may offer to maintain the humidity as well as stock. Show up for parties as requested-perhaps with different cigars on consignment.
This is more or less our set up with Amra's at work. Amra's gets to keep their smoking license as a bar(NC requires a bar's sales to be 25% tobacco to allow smoking) and they get the draw of being one of a handful of smoking bars left in the state, we make our profit on the sticks. Its a win-win. For our events we will typically organize an afterparty down at Amra's since its only ~10 miles from the main shop, and every once in a great while we're asked to come down there to run a sampling or feature a particular cigar during one of their whisky tastings. All the pricing there is identical to ours, but there's a 4% bar tax tacked on at the register, so all said and done after taxes, people are paying maybe 10 cents more a stick to have it at a bar than in the shop.
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