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Old 12-14-2012, 09:10 AM   #19
Blak Smyth
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Default Re: Help Me Create The Ultimate Humidor.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
That bottom carved one you posted, Shane, I have all those flourishes. I don't have the tulips, though. I have scads of 3d models that guys have shared with me for helping them out. They cost like 10-20 bucks each, it's crazy. It would literally cost a couple hundred bucks just to buy the v3m files to make that box.
Granted, once you've bought them you can use them forever, but it hurts to pay 20 bucks for a 3d flower.
Yah that is kind of crazy. I could always draw some cool design or flourish but it wouldn't be in 3D obviously.
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