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Old 12-11-2012, 09:22 AM   #112
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Default Re: Ever Wondered Plume Or Mold

Originally Posted by ZaneG View Post
I can't imagine anyone no matter how new you are to cigars could confuse that with plume... I mean if I found a loaf of bread with those same exact spots I wouldn't try and pretend it wasn't mold.

You might, but there are a lot of people who don't make the connection.

Most people associate mold with a darker colored growth. Green, blueish, black, somewhere in that spectrum. A lot of people forget, or never know, that mold comes in white (slice a tomato and leave it out) and many other colors too.

Then they hear legends and stories of this elusive, almost mythical whitish thing called "plume" that supposedly does magical things to cigars, so they search for it. Sometimes the descriptions they are given are incorrect, sometimes they are vague, so when they finally run across a cigar with some kind of **** stuck on it, they fly right past the "hey wait a second, this looks kind of odd..." and go into rejoice mode, and so the legend propagates.

...or they are just f-ing retarded.
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