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Old 12-11-2012, 07:28 AM   #17
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Default Re: ARGUMENTS I'd like to make about STAR WARS

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
I have not watched the animated clone wars series, even though I have made a few DVDs of 6-8 episodes.
I don't know what is holding me back. Maybe I think I will hate it, maybe I think I will love it too much and end up
having to seek out and download these things out like The Walking Dead or something. Maybe next weekend?
I hope they are not awesome. I really , really do.
First of all - Brad, I appreciate the new Thread!

Second - I think I know what you are going through. Sometimes, I regret reading a Star Wars novels or watching some of the Clone Wars episodes because it sheds new light where perhaps it didn't need to be.

The issue really isn't about the Star Wars films as much as it's about the Expanded Universe of Star Wars.

I remember reading some of the very first Star Wars novels that came out in the '70s, such as Splinter of the Mind's Eye which has Luke and Leia falling in love and big time making out, with maybe some heavy petting. It expanded the universe in a way that is not congruent with where Lucas took us later on.

While I'm glad I've read many of the novels and watched all of the Clone War Episodes, I choose not to except other people's versions of events. I block it out, like many people block out Episodes I, II, and III.

Use the Force Brad!

Smoke what you like!!!
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