Thread: Economy?
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Old 12-10-2012, 04:05 PM   #1
Heads up get down
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Default Economy?

[RANT=cmitch]Some say it's getting better. I know of no business that has seen growth except the liquor store. As for me, my blood pressure is up and my paycheck is down. We haven't had a pay increase in FIVE years and not looking like we'll get one next year, either. I'm fed UP! But there's little I can do but suck it up and take what I'm being given until something better comes along – if it ever does. Meanwhile, my wife's business (catering) is non-existent. WORST year ever in our 17 year history. She's done ONE Christmas party this month. She usually does 4 or 5. No sign it will ever pick up. Plus, we were just notified of ANOTHER Blue Cross Blue Shield rate INCREASE that's sure to remove another $18 to $20 per week out of my check. Bottom line, after last night's discussion with the wife, I simply have to STOP all cigar purchases for awhile so I can continue retirement contributions at the present rate. I've considered another part time job. I was hoping another B&M would open in our area and I could at least subsidize my habit by working there but it didn't materialize. Maybe we can sort this out by taking control of our life with self-employment of some other kind. We have a small inherited house for sale that will help on the short term. The stress is setting in and I've NEVER been so scared for my lively-hood as I am now and I know others have it much worse. I guess I'll get a bump in my focus come Thursday when I help out with the annual toy give away. That will always get your blessings a countin'. [/RANT OVER]
No matter what one's status is in society, cigars are the great equalizer where the affluent and common share a love for the leaf. - Me.
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