I never did. I just stated that I think its a lot better in 2012 than it was in 2011.
The Tigers laid an egg. If you check the transcripts, I gave my humble congratulations
all around after the title game. But it will never sit well with me, and no matter how the end result
justifies the bizarre means for bama fans....to me, it was an insult to the other teams vying for a title
behind them. It is clear that LSU was out-coached in 2011 the BCSNCG and lost BIGTIME. But I think
there is something to be said for being entitled to play by winning your division and winning an extra
game to even get to N.O. bama just sat and home and relaxed while LSU had to nearly get the snot
beat out of em by a tough UGA squad. In the end, I respect the result. But I in no way think it was
fair to anyone but the tide. And in the end, what says a last second play goes in the other direction
and you get left out of the Big game THIS YEAR? Were you still the best team in Atlanta? It was too
close to call by my eyes. But I am in NO WAY arguing over this year. This one is done. Go Irish.
You can say I am just wishing LSU could have hid behind procedure and dodged the tide. In a way that
is exactly what I am saying. But what kind of world do we live in where you can even DO what bama did?
LSU won the west division AND the SEC. I'm still not sure bama even had a right to BE in N.O. Would it have
been a travesty for bama fans? You bet. But they are one team out of a half dozen that also had a legit shot.
The majority were not served by the imperfect system. All I can say is a playoff can't come soon enough to
suit me.In the end, the best football team won. And like I said,
in 2012, at least you can hold your heads
up around the rest of division I with a straight face.