Originally Posted by jcruse64
Did not know that about Majerus and UNC, Poet. I knew he was in bad shape, but did not realize he was beyond medical help. I was a fan, and enjoyed seeing him work his stuff at St. Louis when they hired him. He definitely loved the game and his students.
I wouldn't expect many to know that story, Joe, though some may have known what friends Dean and Rick had been. Fact is, though Dean loved Matt Doherty and Michael Jordan, as he did all his players, this diss p!$$ed him off so much that, before the first game of the season Coach Smith visited the lockerroom to wish good luck . . . to the opponent, Winthrop.
Funny coincidence here. While googling for that game to confirm the opponent, I saw that Matt Doherty confessed he made some early errors that doomed him at his alma mater in a radio interview a few days ago. One of them I could have told him at the time. Coming in as a replacement for a loved legend, he already had one strike against him. His second, before he even held his first practice, was to bring his coaching staff with him from Notre Dame, which meant firing the assistants already in place . . . which included Phil Ford. You don't start a job by firing a guy who's jersey is hanging in the rafters! Strike two!