Thread: People watching
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Old 12-04-2012, 12:30 PM   #36
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Default Re: People watching

But don't forget that you find it funny.

I've done my share of code 99s in the ER and have done chest compression and ventilation for people who are flat lined. I've also done search and rescue to find the rapidly decomposing body of someone who lost their footing on a trail and have risked my life to find a lost group in whiteout conditions at 11,000 ft, not to mention handling broken femurs and arterial bleeds 3 days out from the nearest road. Of course I know nothing. I also don't make blanket statements that if you want to people watch and have a good laugh, spend a little time in the ER. Even if I had some humorous stories, I'd never make such a callous and uncaring statement.

Yes, you know it all.
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~ Groucho Marx
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