Originally Posted by icehog3
Always gotta blame it on someone besides their team. They played a great game against a team that was just a little bit better.
As a Detroit Fan you should be used to seeing that. I have to avoid most of my friends/facebook when the Lions, Tigers, Wings, Wolverines, Spartans lose...
Originally Posted by OLS
Be careful what you wish for bama fans, Saban WILL bolt if you win another.
Originally Posted by Bleez
Speculation is fun. So if Bama wins #15 and Saban bolts for another college gig where'd he go?
Only 3 open spots in the SEC (I think), Auburn, Tennessee and Arkansas. If he left the conference where would he go? ACC? Big 12? Big Ten? You'd think he'd wanna rebuild a team that plays in a "prestigious" conference. Or, for sharts and giggles we could say he's going to go to his Alma Mater (Kent State) and continue their growth.
Long month before the NC...too much time to think, haha...
I think he was meaning he'd leave for the NFL. I could be wrong. If Nick Saban leaves 'Bama for another College team, he's a ****ing moron. He's the Coach of the "Best" team in College football. I don't think they're the best, just like I don't think ND is worthy of the #1 spot either.
Not looking forward to the BCS Title game... I was hoping for Kansas State and Oregon. Oh well.