Originally Posted by dwoodward
Anyone still play this? Just recently stumbled on a "Alkaline The Bee" Amplify shield. This thing is ridiculously OP... Takes my normal 2000 dmg pistol shots and amplifies them to 17k damage a shot with no shot drain. The enemies literally explode in a bloody mess when I shoot them. Using a shotgun makes this thing a 1 shot boss killer. Crazy damage.
Yep. I was playing around in the save editor, seeing what kinda things were available and I ran across that one. I'd love to find one legit that I could use. Simply amazing damage, and wicked fast recharge!
Paired with a "Maggie" pistol, it can be even deadlier than a shotty. Maggie pistol is a legendary Jacobs pistol - except I think it's firing .410 shotgun shells

--- a level 38 maggie does 1203 x6 dmg, and it sends those 6 rounds out in a very tight cone (81.2 accuracy). Get lucky with a "loaded" variant and your sending 14 of those rounds downrange as fast as you can pull the trigger, and with the usual fast as hell jacobs reload. (for comparison, a lvl 38 Jacobs Law pistol does around 3500 dmg, one bullet).
For a legal pairing, A nice Blue quality Vladof TMP pistol can be incredibly deadly with the Bee shield as well, you just have to remember to pop out, spray and duck behind something again.
I ended up going back to my Law & Order combo (legally found items). I thought the Law & Order combo was crazy OP for a melee assassin, but the Bee put it to shame, made it not even fun anymore :P