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Old 12-01-2012, 09:47 PM   #427
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Default Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Finally getting to watch game. First Saturday of December always family reunion in Mississippi for my mother's side of family. Mom is 84, oldest brother living (4 passed away already) is 90, and the baby of family (whose home the reunion is held) is 78.

Left there about game start time, but didn't listen to game, rather talk with mom. I got back home in time for the final Bama defensive stand! Only part I saw live. But it does make it easier to watch, knowing the final outcome!

Listening to those two jackass announcers (Vern and Gary) on that last drive, I got the impression that Georgia dominated the game, and Bama managed to squeak a win. At the end of the 3rd qtr (where I'm at now on dvr), I see a game that looks like both teams are playing hard, and it looks at this point that last team with ball could be the winner.

I sure hope there are better announcers calling the NC game. I cannot stand Vern and Gary. fast-forwarding thru most of the dead time between actual plays. That much LESS time to listen to them.

So far, I'm glad to see that Bama has stuck to running the ball!
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.
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