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Old 11-27-2012, 12:09 PM   #31
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: 18 year old cigars

Went up north on 11/22, leaving home about 3:00p. Boys couldn't come till after work, not arriving till about 10:30p. It was Friday evening, sitting and watching Elektra that 18 year old Montecristo #1s got smoked (What the boy wanted to try first). He knew what to do in regard to cutting and lighting it (obviously has been watching me), but really had not clue about smoking it. He puffed rather tentatively and not very big puffs, but it only went out once, and that a god 3+inches into it.

His thoughts? "I liked it! It wasn't what I expected."
I asked him, "What did it taste like?"
His response, "Smoke? A cigar!?!? What is it supposed to taste like?"

He did say the next day that he still had the taste in his mouth a little bit.

We never did smoke the other two, he wanted to wait. We then ran out of time to enjoy together. That is OK, it will happen when it happens. And if he doesn't really get into cigars, I'm not going to complain. He can save his money and use it for other things. And, I have more cigars that I can enjoy without having to share.

I must say, the Monte #1 aged nicely. They both smoked smoothly, easy draw, and volumes of smoke (when puffed in such a manner to produce it). I found it to be very elegant and the flavors rather muted. I am guessing that age melds them together rather well. What I did get where hints of coffee & cream, leather, sweetness, and a slight nuttiness. I'd like to say it was complex, but who in world really knows what that word means (and I am guitly of using it upon ocassion), so here's my definition - Complex = flavors changing without boring me with becoming one-dimensional, no one flavor stands out, and I don't get bored with it. This was by no means a powerhouse smoke, but just a steady smoke that bespoke elegance. I don't know why, but that is just what came to mind. It was a great smoke.

I have invited him to sign up here, but I don't know that he will.

It was cool to share this smoke with him. There wasn't a lot of conversation, but it was good.

I have been having this saddness upon my heart since that night, it got very intense on Sunday when they had to drive back for work and I was left alone. I believe it is the beginning of something tied to empty nest syndrome.

Depending on where he goes to college and what he does afterward, this may be our last hunting trip. I am hoping that is not the case, but who knows. At any rate, this is the last hunting trip with him as my "little boy." This is first event that is bringing to the end certain aspects of a relationship a father has with his son.

One of my surprising thoughts is, "I'm not old enough for this."

All I know is that it is a strange feeling. As I try not to think about it, it keeps getting my face wet.

Nathan, I love you! I am proud of you! You will travel your own path and I pray fervently that I have given you the guidance, training, and most espeicially - love - that you will need. I also pray for you daily, that God do with you what I have failed to do to make you into the man he'd like you to be - in spite of how I know I have at times failed you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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