Originally Posted by Robulous78
Zombies and Christmas would be a perfect pairing... IMHO... LoL
Originally Posted by GreekGodX
I was really hoping for Darryl to shoot all the "guards" with his crossbow and them to walk right in. Although I'm confused why they would try to sneak in through the front door. Not the brightest idea.
I'm ready to kill the governor. But what will happen to the town if they do kill him? Does everyone revolt or do they accept Rick as the new leader?
When the governor had Maggie take off her top I was really hoping Glenn was going to come busting through the door and killing him. Maggie needed to understand that they are both going to get killed so giving up the information was dumb.
Human vs. Human battle royale next week! 
The Gov. won't die next episode, or the one after it. They'll keep things running for a bit. The attack will punch a hole in the cities defenses and probably expose the city to a walker attack. But ultimately the attack will be repulsed, probably someone will get captured or glen/maggie won't be rescued, something like that, so the interaction will continue. There are no real prominent characters in Woodbury other than Merle and The Gov., so if both of them die, the town storyline essentially dies as well, nothing left to see, move along...
Maggie not being raped was in keeping with the Gov.'s character. Vicious, but calculating and charming. He's not a base animal that would just rape someone for the fun of it, but he would not hesitate to do it to get what he wanted. It was clear to him that Maggie would do anything for Glen, but she would sacrifice her own body to keep her secret, so it made logical sense for him to abandon the rape play and just put the two of them in a room together.
At some point between now and the end of Season 3, Woodbury will be destroyed. It has to be. We can't see Rick's group "settling down" and enjoying themselves now, can we? that would be the end of the show! Although I do wonder how the hell they're going to raise that baby on their own. There simply isn't enough formula left in a 200m radius to sustain a baby for a year, someone needs to find a wetnurse. So far the baby has been downplayed, but at some point the issue will be raised.