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Old 11-19-2012, 10:46 PM   #6
Old Sailor
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Default Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD View Post
I have a Ribeye Roast (6lbs.) that I would like to smoke for Thanksgiving. I would like some recommendations on rub's & smoke time?

I'll be serving Turkey Breast 7lbs (oven), Filet Mignon roast 2lbs.(smoked) & I want to smoke the Ribeye. This would be my first Ribeye & would liek some pointers.
this how I do my roasts with potatoes and carrots on my WSM:
• Combine pre-packaged brown gravy mix, Ranch dressing mix, and Italian seasoning mix.
• Place the roast in a disposable foil pan, sprinkle both sides with the seasoning mix, then add 1 cup of beef broth or water.
• Cook uncovered at 240-260°F for two hours, then cover with foil and cook another 5-6 hours until fork tender.

• Let rest for 10 minutes before serving.
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