Thread: Nub Cigars
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Old 11-16-2012, 12:35 PM   #9
Just in from the Storm
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Default Re: Nub Cigars

"a great smoke for that 20 minute walk"

Wow, you really are unfamiliar with NUB cigars, huh? You must have missed the massive marketing campaign wherein one of the main selling points was how long these short smokes take to burn.

The following chart was reproduced in various forms on the web and in print catalogs for the various size NUBs. As you can see, they were never intended to be 'dog walkers'. (The shape listed at the end of the line is of similar smoking duration cigars)

3.75" x 54 parejo 38 minutes robusto

3.75" x 58 parejo 43 minutes robusto

4" x 60 parejo 58 minutes churchill

4" x 64 torpedo 69 minutes churchill

4" x 66 box-press torpedo 69 minutes presidente

4" x 66 parejo 74 minutes presidente
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