Originally Posted by jluck
Your entitled to your thoughts as are the rest of us, No need to preface IMO.
I am curious about your sources of info on the smaller .45's though, As I have had one on the "gotta have someday" list for a while and I will not have a unreliable gun for a CCW.
1) Me. Several years experience of range-officering and competing with handguns.
2) Friends, who have seen the same things over
their many years of owning carrying and competing with handguns.
3) Local and big name gunsmiths.
Like I said the companies like Springfield, Kimber and Colt have been making the smaller-than-Commander sized 1911s for a good while now, and generally speaking they have figured out the problems with chopping down Mr. Browning's design so much.
Again, if you get one that runs well, don't peddle it off frivilously, next time may be a different story.
For the record I have a Springfield Compact (4") and a pair of Springfield Armory EMPs (3") and they run just fine. One of the EMP's took just a bit of extractor work to get up to snuff but that's not unheard of with even a new 5" 1911 once in a great while.