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Old 11-14-2012, 10:47 AM   #3298
Brian D.
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Pilon View Post
What are some takes on the Kimber ultras for concealed carry. I've seen some complaints about slides locking up mid mag.
Don't anybody hate on me for this, just my take...well, it's not just MY take:

When the 1911 design gets shrunk down smaller than say Commander size, the odds of having problems increase. And sometimes those issues are very tough to sort out and fix. Having said that, Kimber (and others) have been making the 3" guns for quite a spell now, and there's been a pretty good learning curve.

My general rule about the subcompact 1911s is that if you have one that works properly all the time, don't go trading it off. Might not be so fortunate next time.
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