Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I brought this up to my wife, Have you noticed that Jax is buying all the votes at the table. If he keeps Juice alive then he will have one more vote. True Juice really messed up. But if Jax gets rid of Juice then it will show the club that you betray you die. But if he keeps juice he will have leverage over juice forever. Clay he will be taken out before the Cartel can do anything. The Irish and the cartel both want Clay to be back in charge. I think that with in the next few weeks we will see clay's down fall. I don't think he will die, but prison yes. If Clay dose die i think that it will be done by Jemma.
JAX REALLY MESS UP BY KILLING OPIES KILLER. He might have destroyed a close ally.
"And i think we need to change some by-laws."
On another note I KNOW NOTHING

GMCGTPWHAF Tennessee Chapter. Down with the bloody BIG HEAD