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Old 11-14-2012, 09:52 AM   #3296
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Stevez View Post
I have, and love, my M&P 9c. Sweet shooting gun and I'm very accurate with it. However, I bought my son a Beretta 92FS and it is one of the nicest guns I've ever shot. I love it. Very low recoil and easy to operate; it is a heavier gun, but I don't think too much so. I'd definitely try one of these out, especially if I wasn't trying to get one for conceal carry. Steve
True for being heavier, and not ideal for concealed, it gets some poor reviews because of these facts. That's what I like about it though, a nice and big large frame semi-auto. I'm a bigger guy, 6'-5", and the large frame pistols like the 92 fit me perfectly, for some reason all the compacts drive me nuts!
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