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Old 11-14-2012, 09:27 AM   #68
Still Watching My Back
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Default Re: 6x60s - are you a fan?

I've been digging some short 58-60g torpedoes lately... the Nub 358 Cameroon and Nestor Miranda Special Selection Natural come to mind... both are 4 x 58 and torpedo, so not quite the same effort required as a round-cap 6x60.

5"-5.5" and 54-56 RG seems to be my sweet spot... I can still burn most within an hour, or at least far enough down that I don't feel wasteful, and they burn a bit cooler than most equivalent 50 RGs. I still smoke mostly 50 RG Robustos since 90% of my smoking is done on an hour lunch break, but I tend to enjoy the 54-56s a bit more when I have time.
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