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Old 11-12-2012, 12:32 PM   #1
Have My Own Room
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Default More Cigar Bands/Labels Needed, Please

My artistic friend does a lot of crafts using cigar bands, including
tabletops, trays, lazy susans, cigar boxes, etc. She even made
a poker chip holder covered in cigar labels for me.

Problem is, she's run out of the labels I've given her & the ones
that some of you other generous Inmates previously shared.

Does anyone else out there have a bunch of labels you're not
planning to use for anything? I don't want these for me, but
to help out a friend. I expect nothing but cigar bands to be
sent. I MEAN it. I'll even send $$ to cover postage.

I'd greatly appreciate all the help you can give on this.
If you can help out by sending some cigar bands for her,
please PM me for address info.

Thanks for reading.
Pobody's Nerfect.
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