We had a water pipe burst (in two places) in the guard/gate house at the marina yesterday in this wonderful minus weather. After the fact it was pretty funny........we had our own personal fountain for awhile. Water was running out the door like a river and also between the wall and the cement slab. When I drove up there from the office, the security person was having a meltdown and two guys, who were coming into the marina, were standing there staring.
"Somebody should turn off the water" they said and all looked at me.

So, I pulled out my Wonder Woman bracelets, walked through the spraying fountain and turned the water off. To which one of the "3 Amigos" announced....."Gee, you're all wet. Must be cold!" Duh!!!
Seems in her infinite wisdom, the security person turned off the space heater the night before (which keeps the pipes from freezing), so the metal guardhouse would not burn down. I just smiled, found a towel to dryoff and called the plumber. When I left work last night, I stopped and turned the space heater back on (security person still afraid metal building will burn down). It's going to be a loooong week!