Originally Posted by racerX
I know that opus x get better with a little age so I have started a stash. Do patron also age well or just about as good as any other?
I am a padron whore (excuse the lang); by no means a padron expert. So it is my experience that the 64's are best at right around 7 months rest in my humi, family reserves and 26 serie need no rest, save a week or so if I choose. The x000 I have only bought by singles and have not let rest for any amount of time, so am unable to relate any experience. I buy the PAM's and reserve by the box to save some on cost, so I shoot to have them smoked within the year, and if I find I can not I will gift em, but that is just me. So yeah family reserves and 26's have a better rounded and balance of the flavor profile, the 64's tend to be more sharp in the flavor profile I have found 7 months the perfect amount of time for my palate to create the a more perfect balance so to speak. But Padrons serie and family reserves are amazing rott and I have let a 45 age for a period of 2 to 2 1/2 years and it seemed to have lost a little something, not much at all mind you but a little, was still amazing so... yeah those are my two cents.