Thread: The Hobbit
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Old 11-09-2012, 04:59 PM   #10
Sultan of Cigars
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Default Re: The Hobbit

Originally Posted by Starscream View Post
As an English major in college, I'm embarresed to say that I've never read any Tolkien. I have read his friend C.S. Lewis' entire Narnia series and The Screwtape Letters (Narnia was good as long as Peter, Edmund, and Lucy were involved), and The Screwtape Letters sucked imho.
My dad is a huge fan and refused to watch the LotR trilogy b/c it would ruin his memories/thoughts/imagination of the story. Although the LotR trilogy was good imho, they were too dang long for me to rewatch, basically turning me off to ever reading Tolkien's works. I did like the animated version of The Hobbit and as a child I had an animated story book version of it as well. I'll watch the new film, but I'm hoping it will only be one film. Has it been confirmed to be multiple films or is this just speculation at this point?
Three films.
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