Re: Circuit City Closing all US operations
Actually I guess I am one of the few who preferred Circuit City over Best Buy.
I would normally order online then drive over and pick it up. Both places are close to each other - but Circuit City has a large parking lot - while Best Buy has an extremely small lot shared by about 20 other businesses. Half the time I have to park at the mall and walk across 6 lanes of traffic.
As for pricing - they always seemed to beat Best Buy. Just bought my wife a Toshiba LCD TV - lower price at Circuit City. Same thing for the Canon camera and HP laptop bought for my daughters.
In addition the first (and only time) time I ordered online for Best Buy - I needed a video card asap. Placed the order - only to get a message stating that it was not in stock - anywhere. Kicker is this: Since I had extra cash I used my debit card. Best Buy charged my card - and after calling the 1-800 number was informed it would be three weeks before my card would be credited. So yeah - out almost $300 bucks for 3 weeks. Pretty much just the same as calling them up and saying here - take my money and hold it but don't give me anything. Ended up using my credit card at Circuit City. Since then I have refused to deal with Best Buy. Guess I'm stuck now with ordering online from Newegg, Crutchfield, etc. from now on.
So I for one am going to miss them.