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Old 11-08-2012, 10:12 AM   #1
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Default Black Ops Lighters from CigarBid - Case and Cutter Included?

I left my Ever Tech Spark in the smoking lounge of a local restaurant... went back to fetch it the next day and it was nowhere to be found. In looking to replace it I went ahead and placed a bid on CigarBid for a Black Ops Kilo since I have one at home and like it, mainly because the punch is a bit bigger than most you find built-in to torches.

Every other retailer selling Black Ops lighters includes the 4-stick herfador and cutter. It's not mentioned as being included by CB (or CI for that matter), but it's not also mentioned as not included either. Does CI and CB include this as well and just don't list it on the site, or are they selling it lighter-only?

If it's not included (and I lose the $10 bid I already put in) then I'll just get the Jobon version for $10-$12 on eBay or another Ever Tech Spark for $13 from BuyLighters. If I do win the bid (whether it's not included or not), it'll be a bad excuse to pick up some 5-packs from CB to save on shipping...
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