Thread: Data Recovery
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Old 11-06-2012, 01:41 AM   #17
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Default Re: Data Recovery

Originally Posted by CigarNut View Post
Something that has worked for me -- open up the enclosure and find out what kind of drive you have inside (SATA, IDE, etc.). Find an old PC and then connect the drive directly to the to the IDE/SATA port on the mother board. This may allow you to get more information off the drive -- more than the USB driver will allow.

To protect yourself: before actually connecting the drive up, google the model number to find the jumpers and set the jumper for "read only". This will prevent you from accidentally writing to o formatting the drive.
This is the first thing i would try if it was me... Hook it up to your desktop sata/ide then check with
hd health program. I use crystal disk info.

You could also try Unstoppable copier, it copies all the files it can from a failed hard drive. Copies everything it can and tries to rebuild the fragments it copied.
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