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Old 11-05-2012, 05:15 PM   #192
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Default Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by Robulous78 View Post
I'm sorry to see T-Dog go, But to go out protecting another only adds to his character IMHO...

As for Lori, It was about time... I feel for Rick not being able to say goodbye but I feel they are better off now that he doesn't have her to consider...

but I have to ask, just because she had a c-section without anesthesia does that mean she is dead? Assuming that Carl did not shoot her is it possible that she may not have bled out?
I'm not a Doctor but in my opinion there is no way a person makes it through a c-section, with no anesthetic or in a non-sterile environment, without dying. The mere shock alone from being cut open would probably be enough to put someone in a coma. I was just surprised the baby wasn't born as a zombie. That would have been a real doozy if Lori dies and the baby gets killed because it is born a zombie.
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