Re: Recommendations for Ipad
You can always use your iPhone as a "hot spot" and set up your own wifi if a free one isn't available. Especially if you have an unlimited data plan. The new iOS6 even had the "hot spot" in it's setting menu for ease of use. And according to an IT guy (husband of my wife's coworker), Apple just lost a lawsuit brought by the Feds, and can no longer charge you or stop you from using your cell for a hot spot. Best have your phone plugged in, though. I understand this is a battery drain.
Also, you need Bluetooth Off, Wifi on on the iPhone. The activate hot spot. But you have to keep your iPhone on the hotspot screen, or the connection shuts down (a bug that might get fixed by Apple?)
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.
Last edited by SvilleKid; 11-05-2012 at 08:56 AM.