Thread: Red Dawn?
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Old 11-03-2012, 04:38 PM   #22
Suck It
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Default Re: Red Dawn?

I am on the side of LIKING RED DAWN......
I agree that classic doesn't mean one thing exclusively. They Live with Rowdy Roddy Piper?
Great little cheeseball.
Plan 9 is a classic and it sucks.
Talladega Nights is a Terrible Movie, and yet people just can't STOP LOVING IT.

I like Red dawn a lot but always thought it should have been better. Just because it had all the budding new stars
of the day does not mean they were cast to be freaking Oscar candidates. If ANYTHING is bad about this its how
easily they decided to keep Chinese relations in the great state they are by digitally manipulating the right frames.
Hollywood is filled with caricatures of human beings running things, they are scared 5hitless of originality. But you could
easily show them what you think about it. Most choose not to, and go to the theater and see crap du jour every night.
When it is released on DVD in a few weeks, I will do my part as a good American and download it illegally.

if i am a sucker, and I am, it is that I always have hope that now that they CAN, they will make it better.
But of course, then they go out and re-make THE THING just as bad as it could possible be.
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