Newbie Questions - HELP
I have looked around and cant find an answer to these question, so I am posting it as a new thread.
1. I have been keeping my cigars in a ceramic montecristo jar with a round disk with beads. Cigars seem to be fine. My question is how do I know for sure they are fine. They smell great they are a little soft to the touch, nothing real hard or dry that I can see. Am I making the right assumptions? Are they ok?
2. My humidor comes in monday. i have seen many resopurces as to how to treat them before using. I am going with the one that has me treating it 5 times then letting it sit overnight with sponge, then use. Does anyone know, is this five times in one day? or five days? If it is in one day how long before treatments? Like I said i have search for this answer but could not find it and the guy who did the youtube video didnt answer.
3. I have a shed that i use as a office. temp definitely fluctuates in there. my humidifier be okay in this environment?
thanks in advance for you time