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Old 11-02-2012, 11:17 AM   #190
Sultan of Cigars
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Default Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by mariogolbee View Post
I spoke of my disappointment with episode 1 to my older brother after first watching it in the theater. His response made sense. He mentioned a few things I have since forgotten, and that it culminated in a a land, space, and lightsaber battle, all of which follow the formula of the previous movies.
I'll give the Devil his due, Duel of the Fates was the best lightsaber battle of the franchise (although the convenient absence of Force Speed by Obi-Wan to get through the energy gates still vexes me).
Originally Posted by mariogolbee View Post
The problem was that after so many years I was expecting more. Sure, Jar Jar is annoying as hell and Anakin was whiney, but so was Luke. Luke was a whiny little SOB.

Anyway, the first three episodes may not have been perfect, but at least we have them.
Yeah, Luke started out as a whiny, naive girl, that ended up being a badass Jedi who didn't blink in the face of Vader or Palpatine (all with minimal training might I add).

Anakin started out as a whiny girl that ended up being a...whiny girl. As I told my buddies a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away..."Wah"nakin wasn't the Chosen One, he was the Chosen Whine.

Last edited by Stephen; 11-02-2012 at 11:22 AM.
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