Originally Posted by shilala
Scott is bringing the pass over to my place tonight. I'm gonna take some time to root through it and clean it up and see if it makes sense for me to pull any smokes out yet. I doubt it will. I want to keep as many in there as possible so there's an awesome selection.
Cole, you wanna canvass the guys and see who's in for round 2 so I know who to get it to? I mapped out the participants so it'd move efficiently geographically. There's no reason it couldn't change, but the first round went super fast, mail-wise. Plus Matt carrying it to Mark really helped.
Thank You to everyone for an excellent first round, it went so well I'm just almost shocked. I say almost because I knew you guys would do an awesome job, that's why I wanted to start it.
The only thing I see that's a b1tch is the shipping cost.
If you guys want to do anything different this time around, throw the idea out there. The rules are back in post #134, I believe.
The one thing I can think would make the shipping cost worthwhile is to raise the amount of sticks we can take from 6 to 7 for this round. Then each round we can raise it again until it comes to a comfortable ceiling?
That's just an idea, I'll leave that up to Cole. He's the Pass Boss.
I know someone skipped this last go, but I forget who it was. I just mention it to see if you'd like in this go-round?
Originally Posted by shilala
Guys, let's get this sorted out this week, as well. I'm ashamed of myself for not getting my sticks in, all I have to do is dig them out and move them 10 feet.
Don't be a shilala. Get your cigars in, will you please? 
Cole, will you pick this up and start sending us nasty pm's until we get this done? I'm not doing a very good job keeping up with it at all.
The guys who were just an entry stick short can get them in when they send their troop sticks later, I'd think? I already told Travis it'd be okay.
Reporting for duty

Scott, I'll be sending out PM's for folks that need to get in entry sticks and to see if everyone wants in the 2nd round of the pass.
As for the logistics, I d not see any problems with the pass going the same route it went the last time. I think we all got access to some pretty awesome sticks, and probably would no matter what order the pass went in, but that's just my
Also, the shipping costs are a little higher, but this is a high quality pass, so I'm not worried about the costs. I'm sure that, as we did last round, if we need to leave someone out or if someone needs a little help, that should be fine. I do like the idea of pulling out 6-7 sticks instead of 5. However, let's just make sure we are replacing with quality and not just quantity.
Anyway, it was a great idea, and I'll get the PM's out soon.