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Old 10-26-2012, 11:12 AM   #208
Suck It
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Default Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Rizzle, I am not sure you are due an apology yet, I mean he is nothing but a "student" at that university.
Have you apologized to me over the Tea-bagging incident at Krystal on Bourbon?

Couple that with the fact that his idiot friend came down all the way from Canada to hang out and buss up,
it's more Canada's fault than anything else. And of course, Punk and stupid are not the same thing always.

And if you check the transcripts, I never said he wasn't a PUNK, I said he was OUR punk.
ANYONE who does illegal things while also making a disturbance is an idiot, no matter where they go
to school. When you are getting high in your apartment, you do not turn up the tunes to 11 and you
damn sure don't try to break in through a security gate. These morons have a false sense of 'above-it-all-ness"
and people like that will always fall hard and find that they have very few ACTUAL friends or supporters
when the music stops.

I always liked Jordan Jefferson because he was from the same parish I grew up in even though he played
for the cross-the-river rival. But as a football player for LSU, I was rather embarrassed by him, at least
around here. It is VERY hard to go through a game with that feeling of impending disaster constantly
eating away your stomach lining.

But in the end, YES, I DO apologize, at least for the implied feeling of superiority I get from NOT being a bama fan.

Last edited by OLS; 10-26-2012 at 11:20 AM.
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