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Old 10-24-2012, 10:23 PM   #786
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by jjmitchem View Post
Thanks guys

How do you know if it is an aromatic if it isn't labeled as such - obviously the CAOs are because of my experience with the cigars of the same names but what about something like Peterson's Irish Whiskey - is it just the obvious answer - this is an aromatic because it has been flavored with whisky?
Peterson's Irish Whiskey is just about the only aromatic I smoke with any regularity. I never got the Whiskey flavor the name implies, but the tin always smelled like christmas to me(namely, smelled of fruitcake), and burned wonderfully while not being overly sweet.

And correct me if I'm wrong Rev, but aren't true English blends allowed one flavor while not being considered aromatic? IIRC, the whole distinction of an English tobacco came from the English monarchy getting angry over too many unsafe chemicals being added to tobaccos, so they banned any tobaccos with more than one flavor.

A quick google search pops this up:
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