Re: People collect all kinds of 'things'...
let's see, no ACTIVE collections anymore, after my dad died of cancer, I looked at his life, and what he did
on Saturday at least twice a month. He would go down to Salvation Army, Amvets and a few other
thrift stores in NO and just go over EVERYTHING, and he had a stunning collection of great old tools when
he died, and I kept many of them. But I saw the whole 30 year process as an ignoring of the hard and fast
rule, "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU". So live life, save money, pass it on. Now, did I fully LEARN anything?
Not really. But I DID stop all of my own collections. Holding onto the ones I like and feel will benefit someone
Star Wars Action Figures - all still in the packaging, but 2nd generation items, NOT the
1st edition stuff that is so valuable. But nice one day to pass on to some relative, or Skywalker,
Mardi Gras Doubloons - 3-4 binders full of em dating from the early 60s. Most not worth
a ton of cash, but a real icon of the past now mostly absent from parades.
CIGAR LIGHTERS - For some reason, (well, I KNOW the reason), I have been stockpiling a lot of lighters lately, logo stuff, unique stuff. I won't make it to 2015 with them, but for now I have em.
Last edited by OLS; 10-24-2012 at 08:09 AM.