Originally Posted by hammondc
Serious? Me too. Are you on Autogeek?
Yessir, though I haven't bought any new ones (any major ones) since I started buying cigars lol. I was a regular member of detailingbliss until ownership changed hands. Now I'm a not-so-regular poster on live2detail. I detail on the side, but really only vehicles that I can have for as long as need be, and only because I enjoy it. I don't think my back/bones/muscles could take the beating of doing it as a trade.
My weapon of choice is the Makita 9227. Got one for free, so cant' complain. I have a 3" extension with a 3m backing plate. Also have a rubbish boy's 3" backing plate for harder to polish areas. And down to a 75mm backing plate for spot polishing. Haven't really bought anything for polishes other than Menzerna as they work excellent for me. I have some Scholl's to try out though.
Favorite waxes... depends. RBOE is my favorite for looks, but application is kind of a PITA. It's look rivals Vintage, but at a fraction of the cost. Otherwise, I use Supernatural. I have a pot that was signed by Dom and PJ, to me:
Nice to see another detailer over here. I have been meaning to get back into the hobby.